Birthday of Spartak
Spartak would have been:
98 years 0 months 0 days
or 1176 months 0 days
or 5113 weeks 4 days
or 35,795 days
or 859,080 hours
or 51,544,800 minutes
or 3,092,688,000 seconds
Birthday of SPARTAK
Spartak was born on Jan 3rd, 1928.
As of this day of February 27th Spartak would have been 97 years 1 months 24 days
or 1165 months 24 days
or 5069 weeks 2 days
or 35,485 days
or 851,640 hours
or 51,098,400 minutes
or 3,065,904,000 seconds old.

Website Launch
Spartak G. Babayan Artwork Website Launch Announcement
We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Spartak G. Babayan Artwork website. As of January 14, 2025, you can explore our extensive collection of artworks, gain insights into the artistic process, and stay updated on upcoming exhibitions and events.
Our new platform is designed to enhance your experience, providing easy navigation and a visually captivating presentation of our art. Each piece reflects the dedication and creativity that defines our brand.
Visit our website to discover a world of art that inspires and connects. We look forward to sharing our passion with you. Thank you for your continued support.